I just returned from a short holiday in the beautiful village-town of Lanshut, Germany. It was absolutely gorgeous. After reaching the six-month mark of living in the frantic city of London, it was definitely a welcome and much needed change. Lanshut rests near the Mosel River and is surrounded by endless rolling hills dotted with vineyards and evergreens. It felt so good to hear nothing but the still quiet of nature. I already miss it!
My visit coincided with their annual "Viez" Festival on Saturday night. Pronounced "feets", Viez is their local apple wine and tastes like a very tart apple cider. There's also plenty of music and curry-bratwurst! For just three Euros, I got a glass and entry into the huge open grassy area, completely surrounded by thick, deer-filled forests. I then navigated my way through the dozen giant, competing bonfires that blazed under the stars. With the entire town in attendance, the festival began at sundown and continued on well past morning . The Viez bar is in the center and bigger groups ordered their Viez in large plastic watering cans that your neighbor might use to water her roses. The festival got much rowdier as the night went on, but for the most part everyone was in very good spirits.