The Nocturnal Novelist is moving to London!
My wonderful husband David was just accepted into London Business School for their Masters program, which begins early January 2008. I wanted to write about this earlier, but I had to wait until I told my family first! And now I am just days away from the biggest move of my life... and I'm very excited. Although at the end of the day, I can't help but find it funny that I'm moving to the city of the main antagonist in Dear Isabelle. James had better watch out! Moving from California to England in just one month is quite an intimidating order, but so far everything is running surprisingly smooth. Of course, we definitely have our share of stress - endless boxes to pack and bottomless closets to be sifted through... as well as our VISAs and Entry Clearances to get in order. Today was spent trying our best to figure out what exactly would be shipped and which items to pack in our suitcases (a difficult matter indeed given the 2-piece luggage, 50 lb limit each rule)... suddenly photo albums become extremely valuable as they are the only evidence of our past! The very worst part of all of this, I must admit, was giving up our two adorable cats since we are not able to take them along... but I do believe that I found them a wonderful new home.
I am so anxious about getting settled in our new city-- mostly because I'm anxious to start my new novel! Our plane will leave the US on Christmas Eve... and arrive in London on Christmas Day! I am already imagining all the restaurants closed that day and having to pursue a wild search for food.... (can you tell that I have a penchant for worry?) But as my husband keeps telling me, "Everything will be just fine."
Lots more to come....