A special thank-you goes out to Ed Kaufman at "M" is for Mystery bookstore in San Mateo for believing in me and Dear Isabelle. "M" is for Mystery is such a fabulous bookstore - a true gem. It was quite an honor for me to speak there, especially because I shared the floor with another author, Priscilla Royal, author of Justice for the Damned. It was actually my first time meeting another author. I was so excited that at times I wished I was in the audience just so I could ask her more questions. Priscilla was so kind that it really made our book talk quite enjoyable.
The audience asked some excellent questions! Among the more difficult ones to answer was: "Were any characters based on real people that you know?" That was a challenge! Especially regarding the main character Isabelle! Only the "M" audience will know the answer to that one. :)

Thanks to Laurie Rael for taking pictures! I had forgotten my camera and I'm so glad I have some pictures now to remember that special day.